After waiting for about one month, the result of GSOC’13 was
announced on 27th may 2013 and I got selected by Plone for “ReStructured
Text Parser for Robot Framework”.
The first part for the project is the development of working
environment and learning the basics of open source project which are git and
Any opensource project has to be cloned in the system to
work upon. This is done by git. This tools is available for almost every
operating system. It can perform many other functions like committing to the project,
creation of branches, merging the branches and creation of diff based patch.
For the windows operating system, it has got both command line and graphic user
interface(GUI) options. After the installation of git, it should be configured
for the user in the following manner:
Git config - - global”user name”
Git config - - global”user email”
The project can be cloned in the following manner:
Git clone “address of the project “. For eg
Git clone “”
Now the next thing is github. It is the online portal to
perform the functions of git. This has got buttons to complete these tasks. Any
project on this website can be forked to be copied to the user’s account which
can be cloned later on. It also has the option of downloading the source code
of any project in zip format.
There is one more tool i.e. virtual environment. In any
operating environment, a virtual environment separate from other environments
can be created for a particular project. In this way any changes can be applies
to the working environment of a specific project without affecting other
The whole project is based on python, so pycharm will be
used in the entire project as it has got option to create virtual environment
and git integration. First of all python and pycharm were installed and git
integration was done from setingsàversion
Next a virtual environment was created. Now the next part is the installation
of packages required for the project. This project needs decorator, distribute,
docutil, pip, robotframework, robor framework-selenium2library,
robotframeworklexer, selenium. Some of these are automatically installed with
the creation of virtual environment. Others can be installed by clicking the
install button and selecting the required
packages to be installed. There may be some problems in installing these
packages which can be completed in following manners also.
1)Goto working_environment/Scripts, open command prompt and run
pip install package_name
2) Download the compressed files of the package, uncompress
it, put in the working environment. Put python.exe from installed python folder
alongwith the other files of this uncompressed package and run the following command:
python install.
In this way the working environment has been created.
To test the working environment, an example.robot file has
be created and the project has been run to check if the project is working
properly in the developed environment.
This completes the basics of the project. Now the next part
is the development/modification of ReST Parser.
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